Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rainy days

It was supposed to stop raining at 8 am this morning, I guess the weather didn’t get the memo, because it was still raining at 11am when we headed out to get the storage box put on the back of our new scooter. I guess it was a really good thing that Emily and I had both bought complete rain suits several months back. The real pain was the cold. It’s the middle of April and 44 degrees outside. Ew!

Emily ended up not getting the position at the veterinary clinic because they chose to hire someone else who knew people there. I think that was really shitty, but that’s how life goes I suppose. If you know people, regardless of your experience, professionalism, or in some cases lack thereof, you get hired on. Yeah, I’m thoroughly annoyed, because they wasted Emily’s time and led her on like she was definitely going to get the job. I know some place I’ll never be taking my pets. Anyway, it’s a moot point now and it’s time to move on.

It do think it was pretty funny that the guys at MopedU (the place we got our scooter) asked her to bring her resume by. So, we did that this morning. But enough with the day to day stuff, I’ve realized that I haven’t really done a posting about my progress on HRT for a while, so on to that.

I am about a month into HRT, my check up appointment is the first of May, Beltane, a major holiday for all of us Earthy Religion people. Which is interesting because my first appointment was on Ostara. (New Beginnings!)

The most obvious change is my voice. While my “talking” voice isn’t too much deeper it has lost all its femme lit. I can talk deeper in my chest, which is how I usually talk (when I’m not sick) and easily pass. I haven’t been called Ma’am, Miss, she, her, anything like that in, well it seems like forever. I’m loving it. One of my biggest issues when it came to passing isn’t so much an issue anymore. Knowing that I’m only a month into HRT leaves me the hope that I might end up with a nice tenor voice later down the road.

Second biggest change, which really isn’t extremely prominent, but noticeable, is my face. It’s not as round as it was before, and my facial structure is slightly more masculine. I’ve notice a slight increase in my facial hair and the speed in which it grows back. It isn’t much, but still enough to make me excited. This morning I did notice that I look like I have a “baby five o’clock shadow” on my upper lip. Soon I will have a sweet home grown ‘stache.

While I’ve found there are times when I’m stressed and there are times when I get pissed off, I can control it a lot better than before. I don’t lose my patience as much now as I did before and when I’m not sick, I am hungry almost constantly. I don’t think I’m gaining or losing any weight, I'd say it’s probably about the same as when I started, just my weight isn’t distributed the same as it was before.

I really can’t wait until I’m over whatever sickness that I have, and I can breath again without hacking up a lung. This has really put a damper on my training plans.

In August there’s a marathon going on in Fayetteville and I’d like to participate in it. For me it’s pretty exciting because I’ve never done anything like this before, but I have to get better first, because breathing is absolutely a necessity when you’re running a mile.

I’ve begun to save for my top surgery and I would like to have it done before the year is out. I really wanted to use the Google Adsense program as a way to save up money, but that isn’t an option as I think Google hates me because I’m too sexy. Right, because they absolutely look at my pictures. Anyway, I’ve started a fund raising account to help with my top surgery. If anyone is interested the link is

So, there it is. I’m actually planning to make my next big step. Yes, the thought of surgery scares me, but the need to have my body match my mind…it’s more than just a need….

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