Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Wonderful Night / Holy Shit I was on TV!

So my morning was a little rough emotionally, but I think that was because I’m due for my shot tomorrow on top of the fact the cats are acting insane.

We, my fiancé and I, went out to dinner with some new wonderful friends. It was honestly the first time in my life that I have ever really done anything like that. Just went out and hung out with anyone. It was amazing! I was even able to enjoy an adult beverage and not be ashamed to show my ID to the server in front of other people. In fact I was able to brag about it and show it off.

It’s wonderful having people that have either been where I am now, is going through what I am, or understands because of their own paths in life. I never thought that I would find friends and a community that were so wonderful and so much fun to be around.

Tomorrow starts the beginning of week two on HRT and I couldn’t be happier. I’m hoping the end of the week will be a little more even because it’s my second week, and I’m still wishing for the insta-facial hair. My voice is starting to drop more and I wake up almost every morning with a sore throat, but I’m actually happy about it, because it means that my body is finally undergoing the changes that it should have nearly 15 years ago.

Before dinner, we stopped by the Rally in support of Marriage Equality in Fayetteville, AR. We would have loved to stay for the whole event, however we had already made plans. We stood proudly supporting what we believe in and …


Holy crap!

This was the first time EVER that I have been on the news or TV in general. It was so awesome!


No, I’m not holding the sign I made, we got there a little late and someone else had already snagged it, but I made sure to give them a high five and chat a bit while we proudly supported Marriage Equality. Emily, my fiancé, is holding the sign that I helped her made on Saturday. (I just wrote the black lettering for her.) Even the signs that the kids had made on Saturday were used too! It was simply amazing and the energy was fantastic. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see how many people were there supporting Equality. 

If we didn’t have dinner plans in advance, our boys would have been out there with us, proudly holding their signs supporting equality. We may not be traditional parents, and we may not be the best parents in the world, but we know not to teach our children to hate others for their differences. We teach them to accept and love others and celebrate diversity.





If anyone wants to see the news feed with Emily and I in it. It can be found here.

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