Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Elephant in the Room

I hate this time; sporadically as it comes and goes it leaves me feeling utterly defeated and de-masculinized. In case you’re wondering, I consider nothing to really be off limits when it comes to life and the human body. No, I will not write about my sex life or anything of that content but I will talk about other things pertaining to the normal or not so normal in my case circle of nature.

I will warn those who are easy embarrassed that such cycles that this is not something you will want to read today.  Yes, tonight I am talking about that monthly cycle that those who are born with the female anatomy go through after the onset of puberty. I call it the elephant in the room because it’s something that I, as a transman, like to pretend doesn’t happen.

As if being stuck in the improper body from birth was not bad enough to start with every so often my body goes on a Femme kick and decides to make my life a living hell. I curl around my giant purple stuffed bunny and hide away from the world feeling as if everything masculine about me has been stolen from my body like a thief in the night. Waking up on a Japanese flag is not my idea of a good day.

I have heard tales of transwoman that fake this cycle, and to be honest I have no clue why in the world anyone would want to bleed from their body for any extended amount of time or even fake this process. I assure the ladies out there that they really don’t want this. The muscle cramps, the emotional roller coaster, the mess… Let’s just say that’s a worse nightmare for someone with OCD or similar features.

With all this said, I would like to remind my fellow transmen, that we still have a responsibility for our bodies and should at least try to take care of them, which entails yearly exams of the vaginally torturous kind.  Even if it is the elephant in the room, you still have to feed it or it will starve and pick up after it or you’ll be stepping in huge piles of elepoop.  

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