Sunday, March 31, 2013

Support Group Night


My trans support group meets the last Sunday of every month and tonight is clearly the last Sunday of the month. While it was a holiday there was still a decent group of us that showed up. (Happy Easter to all my Zombie Worshipers out there. I’m jesting, please don’t think I’m mocking your religion. I wouldn’t do something like that…unless it was really warranted.)

We did our support group thing, and I actually really enjoyed myself. While we were locked out of the building (the Equality Center changed the combination to get in) we had a wonderful meeting. It felt more relaxed than usual and I think we were really able to get to know each other a little better.

We met a new member and touched on the camping trip that is being planned. I left the meeting feeling like I was part of something special. It felt good.

We were able to get my desk and chair out of the storage unit today, so for the first time in about three months I have a desk to work at. My desk is set in the living room where I can look out the window and see the graveyard beside and behind us. I can look over the parking lot and over the small “porch” that we have because we’re on the end of the building.

I’m falling in love with this place more and more. It feels like home. I think for once I have a place that feels like home, that I’m excited to come back to after leaving to go somewhere, even if it’s just to the store.

It’s exciting and wonderful, and yet, it’s a little bit scary because it is such a new feeling for me. I can’t ever remember feeling excited about having a place to come home too. A place where I felt safe, a place to have friends over. It’s so new to me.

Today has been a fairly uneventful day other than the support group meeting. Tomorrow we’ll enroll the children in public schools, job hunt and maybe get a library card. While the struggle isn’t over, it’s eased and it’s bearable now. It isn’t something that is so overwhelming that I feel like I’m going to drown.

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