Tonight I’m in a mood, not a bad mood, nor a good mood, just a mood in general. I would like to cover a couple of people that I have been seeing a bit of today, Sue Everhart and Thomas Beastie. For those of you that don’t know who they are, I’ll cover that in my rants, rest assured.
So, on to the first topic, Sue Everhart.
Sue Everhart is a GOP Chairwoman from Georgia who has proclaimed if same-sex marriages are legalized it will cause all sorts of fraud. She seems to think that people of the same sex will begin to marry each other solely for the purpose of having health insurance causing a scheme of fraud unlike which we have ever seen before.
At this point I would like to point out if straight people wanted health insurance through means like this, all they have to do is marry each other, which is of course already legal.
Ms. Everhart even went as far as admitting that she didn’t understand how two gay people could have sex, stating “If it was natural, they would have the equipment to have a sexual relationship.”
If it was natural…
I could go on for hours naming all the unnatural things that your average straight human being does, and most of them aren’t illegal or fraudulent.
Also, generally speaking, the term “gay” is used to describe a man that is sexually attracted to another man. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that a man is only one hole less than a female, who have three perfectly good holes for intercourse.
Either this lady is naĂŻve, to think that gay guys don’t take it up the ass or give oral, or she’s downright stupid.
Why in the hell is this woman even trying to picture two gay guys having sex in the first place?
Why does sex have to be the basis of a relationship?
My theory about Ms. Everhart…She’s never had the Big “O'” in her entire life and thinks women should subjugate themselves to their husbands for dutiful sex as needed.
Now on to Thomas Beatie.
Oh my, where should I begin.
Does anyone remember the man that gave birth back several years ago?
That’s Thomas Beatie.
Beatie is a transsexual male, that underwent HRT, had a double mastectomy and chest reconstruction surgery during his transition. Not out of the average to be honest. Then he got married to his current wife, again not out of the ordinary. After that, Beatie decided that because his wife couldn’t conceive he was going to do it himself.
A total what the fuck moment but still, to each their own. I would have adopted one of the many children in foster care, but that is just me. I can understand wanting a child that is your own flesh and blood, but technically if his wife had been able to conceive then the child wouldn’t have been his anyway.
There was a huge scandal about Beatie giving birth (for the first time) and then he pretty much fell out of the media’s crosshairs until recently. Recently Beatie and his wife filed for divorce and were denied.
When I first saw the story I thought that the judge was being a prick, but then I read more about the case. It would seem that after the above mentioned transitioning modifications Beatie stopped transitioning and had three children. Yes, not just one, but three!
I can understand wanting a family and having babies, but as a trans man myself, I cannot understand beginning to transition, getting half-way there and then stopping everything just to mass produce offspring of my own. Like I said before, I would adopt, which is really what Emily and I plan to do when we are finally settled down.
The judge presiding over this case has denied the Beaties a divorce on the basis that Thomas could not prove that he was a transsexual male at the time of the marriage (because he has given birth THREE times since then) and citing that Arizona doesn’t allow same-sex marriages, therefore in the eyes of the state the marriage was invalid to begin with.
So, like any good attention whore Beatie has found his way back into the spotlight, throwing a fit because a judge has refused to issue a divorce. I know that I am going to catch a lot of hell for this, but I side with the judge. This is why:
1) Arizona doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage, because Beatie stopped efforts to transition and from what it looks like never resumed them, he technically isn’t considered a trans man. From the looks of it, (according to the info I have found. If I am wrong, please someone let me know.) Beatie simply changed the gender marker on his driver’s license and nothing else. He couldn’t be considered No-Op because he was on HRT and had chest reconstruction. This is being technical, and looking at the case from a legal stand point rather than an emotional one.
2) Beatie gave birth not once, not twice, but three times after proclaiming to be trans and starting transitioning. Men don’t give birth. That’s one of those special things that women can do. I’ve been there, done that, but it was before I came out as being trans. It was during a time in my life when I was trying to convince myself that I was something or someone I’m not. When I made the decision to begin HRT I also made the decision to never have anymore biological children. This is also a point the judge has made. Beatie can still give birth like most women can. Men cannot just pop out kids. Even trans men that haven’t had bottom surgery don’t go around giving birth.
Seriously, this guy pisses me off. It’s hard enough being trans without someone making a mockery out of it while being an attention whore.
Here is my question though, if the judge has already deemed the marriage invalid because it is being viewed as a same-sex marriage, then why is there still an issue?
I’m sure this is a very fine line to walk, but according to the current laws, I believe the judge is in the right.
I’m not saying that I support these laws or support DOMA for that matter, because I don’t. I’m just saying that I feel the judge ruled correctly in accordance to the current statues of the law.